I love the month of January, but I love 10 months out of the year so that really isn't saying much...but January wraps up the holiday season and provides closure for that time of the year. I enjoy the holidays, which begin in October and end when the last Christmas storage box is packed away in the garage around December 31st. (OK, the truth is I just put the last of the Christmas decorations away last weekend). I always look forward to hanging our stockings on the mantel, but by December 31st all those decorations just make the house feel cluttered and I am ready to take them down.
I like January because it feels relaxing. All the added activities we do during the holidays are no longer, and we are back to the "normal" busy everyday life. It's also a time to be reflective on the past, look forward and focus on today.
2011 had some momentous moments in our house:
1) For the first time in 10 years we had no babies at home! Kamryn started Preschool in August.
2) There is no longer a highchair in our kitchen! This too has been part of our decor for 10 years!
3) I read 6 books! (reading more was something I hoped to accomplish in 2011)
4) I ran my first 5K! And I'm still running!
5) Diondray and I went to three concerts! Alica Keys, Incubus and Lauren Hill.
6) Brynn asked to be (and was) Baptized!
I could go on, but it's late. 2011 was a HAPPY year. Happy, Happy, Happy is exactly how I feel!
Happy New Year, Happy Day!
A moment in December 2011, enjoying the day, each other, and life!

Life is beautiful, Happy New Year!