When Jaden started Kindergarten, it shifted our whole life. It confined us to a Monday - Friday schedule, with routine. Before she started school, mid-week you could find us at the zoo, beach, park or on vacation. Once she started school all that freedom seemed to vanish. Naomi and Brynn were only 3 and six months, still babies, however we could no longer venture to far off as Jaden needed to be picked up by noon.
Now, not only do I have two girls in school full time, they are
all in sports and extra curricular activities, which limit us even more. During soccer season, we don't have an available Saturday. Three girls playing means we are on the field most of the day. Basketball season has us in the gym during the week, cheering for them. Then there is dance, drama club and church activities. The weeks and weekends are full. Not that I am complaining, because I am enjoying this time in our lives. As busy as we are, I realize my girls are growing and I want to embrace and cherish each moment. Even though I do collapse at the end of the day! :)
What I really appreciate (and enjoy) is the THREE MONTH SUMMER BREAK! The last day of school is more like
New Years Eve, than December 31st! It means a milestone has been completed (which is BITTER-SWEET for me) and the girls will be transitioning on or up. It also means we avoid a morning rush, sleep in (OK not really they are up at 7 am), play outside, bike ride, see the beach, vacation and just slow down. It feels good, it's like a breath of fresh air.
By the time August rolls around, we are ready to get back on track and go. It usually starts off full speed and stays at that pace until the end of the school year! In the mean time, we have already started to enjoy our summer....HAPPY NEW YEAR!
I can't let the month of May pass by without reflecting on some exciting moments...
Starting with Jaden (AS THE MAD HATTER) and Naomi (AS A FLOWER) in their first Youth theater production!

Mother's Day-breakfast in bed ;)

Mother's Day Program in Naomi's Room

Mother's Day Tea at Brynn's school.

Mother's Day...WOW! I LOVE these girls!

BIRTHDAY PARTY FUN...and I only have pictures of the food! Which is disappointing because we made margaritas and played limbo!!!!


Happy Anniversary to us! Lauren Hill concert!

Life just continues to be beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!