May is full of some extra special days for us. We have Mother's Day, a Birthday, an Anniversary, and they all fall in the same week! Now, we just had a wonderful Memorial weekend, with some big first-time things occurring. As much as I want to write about those (maybe tomorrow), I want to get down what we celebrated earlier this month, before it is June!
For me, 2010 has felt different. During 2009 I was still dealing with the emotional impact of Kamryn's diagnosis. She was born in August of 08 and I carried a heavy sadness with me until about the end of 2009. Where I was in August of 2008, and where and who I am now has been transforming.
I NEVER knew I could appreciate life more, because I had a HUGE appreciation for it.
I NEVER knew my (our) life could be better than it was, because it was GREAT.
I NEVER knew that I could really embrace this path and feel like my life was perfect, (perfect for us).
I realize now, there was so much I never knew. I see life a little differently now. It's clearer and more beautiful. And all the celebrations, they seem to be so much sweeter.......
Mother's Day 2010 - There is no better way to spend the day than at the park (with four of my favorite girls, my mom, my sister and Zack)! Sometimes, I have to pinch myself...I'm the luckiest mommy in the world!
the girls before church and at the park
Diondray's Birthday...BBQ at our house! By the pictures, it appears to be a child's party (there was a bounce house in the back yard too)! All those kids have parents, their parents happen to be our friends. :)

We also celebrated our 13 year wedding anniversary. We had a wonderful dinner (for two and not one picture). Not to make anyone jealous :), we are going to a spa this month to celebrate.
I really do have 5 Reasons to Smile...........