A few minutes before it happened I heard Diondray loudly say those famous words...
"Girls, be careful, somebody is going to get hurt."
Then, literally a minute later, I heard Naomi crying. This is a common occurrence in our home, so neither one of us went dashing to see what had happened. We both entered the room to render some kisses and determine who was in trouble for getting to rough.
She was laying on the ground, crying and panting, "My ankle hurts, I can't stand up"-- but my girls are known for over reacting, we weren't "alarmed" by this.
Then, the mom instinct kicked in and I just knew...
"Diondray we better call the Doctor" (it was about 8 pm).
"Andrea, she fell off the couch, it's probably just sprained, let's calm her down and we can take her in the morning if we need to."
Well, of course this mom didn't wait until morning. We called our pediatrician who met us in her office. (Yes, amazing I know. You actually call her after hours if you have an emergency and she will meet you at the ER or her office depending on the situation). The ankle was swollen, but "didn't appear broken." She suggested we ice it, elevate it and come back in the morning for x-rays.
Turned out both Diondray and our Doctor were wrong...OK, they were right her "ankle" wasn't broken, her leg was!

This created a small change to some of our Christmas plans...but no big deal. I have "learned" (since my extra chromosome surprise) to adapt to the unexpected - and embrace it. This pink cast has been a learning experience for all of us. To venture out she needs to be in a wheelchair, because her leg is to heavy for crutches. It is a little challenging for me to load up and go places...one is trying to get out of her stroller and the other needing to be pushed.
Adapt we have! Jaden and Brynn have been awesome (but it cracks me up when they say, "I wish I broke my leg. Naomi gets all the attention!" or "Why doesn't Naomi have to walk?!" typical child's perspective!)
I am more aware of the everyday challenges people deal with because they are in a wheelchair. It makes me realize, once again, that every situation can be an opportunity for growth.
Two weeks left in the full cast (we hope) and then 4 weeks in a 'walking' cast. All from falling off the arm of the couch...
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