5 Reasons I Smile

The ultimate goal of this blog is to spread awareness and show how beautiful life can be. We have four amazing daughters. Our youngest was born with Down syndrome. If just one person stops here and leaves with a different, better perspective about Down syndrome, then it is worth it. Regardless, I have 5 Reasons to Smile!

Sunday, September 19, 2010


I know I am not the only mom who needs more hours in the day. I'm definitely tired by the end of the day. I'm using every minute I have, yet it is still not enough. The days feel like they are slipping through my hands and I don't have a chance to grasp them. I can't stand it.

I can't stand that Jaden and Naomi seem to be gone so much. They are still so little, but gone so much. Monday - Friday in school for 6 hours. Once home, it's homework, at least one of them has an activity to get to-by the time we are back.....dinner, baths, story, bed. Sometimes, I feel like I barley get to "see" them.

We are busy. School, homework, dance, soccer, swimming, PT, OT, ST, work(the job that pays me :), playing, laundry-(is there a trick to this?), cleaning, stopping at the park-just 20 minutes mom?!, reading, dinner-that would also mean cooking. The list goes on and on and most of us have the same list.

Maybe I don't need more time in a day, maybe I need another day added to the week? I just wish I had more time to soak them up.....these four girls of mine who are growing way to fast. Who make me smile (and frustrate me too:). Who have made me such a better person and made my life so much more exciting. Who continue to teach me new things and transform me. These girls, who I am so lucky to have in my life. And I am so grateful for.

More time might be good, but we had today and it was a beautiful day....And I'm looking forward to all of tomorrow too!

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